This is no official video - but a special song produced by Pink Floyd. It has the famous Liverpool FC chant at the end: "You'll never walk alone". Orginally written by Rodgers and Hammerstein and has since been adopted by Liverpool FC as their own. "Fearless" apparently stands for the commonly used football slang: "awesome". Searched to find if the band members were fans of LFC . And that got me to a rather surprising, yet pleasant revelation.
Roger Waters has been a long standing fan of Arsenal Football Club. Came across this April '08 interview with the man by The Word magazine. The relevant bits:
Q: When I interviewed you just after Live 8, you talked about these "huge holes in your psychology" that needed to be filled by large crowds of people appreciating your music.
A: Yes, but I'm not sure you even have to have huge holes in your psychology, and in recent years I've grasped that. And I love it now. How much longer I'll go on doing it I don't know, but I do work every day - and work and sex even come before sport on the Pleas-o-Meter. Mind you, [Arsenal] beating AC Milan two-nil last night was pretty spectacular. If only Chelsea had lost...
Q: If only. Do you keep an eye on the game partly out of homesickness?
A: Well, as you know, the coverage of English Premier League, and even the Championship, is actually better over here. You actually get to see more matches than in England. And I've been an Arsenal fan all my life. I lived there from 1968 to 1975, and when I wasn't on the road I went to every home game. Stood under the clock, before they built the stands. I can name the whole squad now (he does so). I can still remember everyone going out into the street in Islington at the end of the Cup in '71 [Arsenal beat Liverpool in extra time], wandering about, slightly dazed, just remembering the pleasure of it. Which puts me in mind of listening to the radio inside and then going back out into Rock Road in Cambridge back in 1956 when Jim Laker took ten Australian wickets. Another of those moments that never ceases to be magic. They never evaporate.